Learning the ropes: content marketer in training

It's no secret that I'm more than a little obsessed with packaging design. When I was growing up, my mum used to take me to the supermarket and I'd gaze in wonder at all the different brands on shelf.

My fascination with packaging began when I was around five years old — yes, I've been interested in this sort of thing from a very young age. My interest in the marketing side of packaging began when I was old enough to realise that the images on that branded packaging were not just there for show — in fact, they actually had an effect on my buying decisions as a consumer. The fact is, I’ve been obsessed with both aspects of product development ever since.

It was a dream come true when I landed a training opportunity with the 10K60 network – I get to play with both packaging and marketing on a daily basis after all.

Never say no

Those of you who have met me know I've never been one to say 'no' to an adventure. Whether it be a spontaneous trip to the new country, or a quick stop in the middle of nowhere on a weekend road trip – I'm always up for a challenge or trying something new.

I'm also very much a creative soul. Give me a spreadsheet of fresh marketing data, a cup of coffee, and some time alone with Google Analytics, and I'll be happy for days. Therefore, when the opportunity to join the 10K60 network came calling, I jumped at the chance!

I get to make connections and learn something new every day of the week, AND I get to see everything that goes into product development — from the ground up.

Sunshine and roses

It's not always sunshine and roses, but I'm learning new things every day.

I love the variety in my role. One day I might be working with our packaging consultants to reimagine a product, and another I might be chatting with our marketing manager and key accounts about their goals. And it's not just me: I have a great team around me and we're all working towards the same goal — creating incredible products that are great for our clients and good for the planet.

Some of the things I’ve learnt during my first week;

Spectrum of platforms

If you take Marketing, for example, developments in technology have made it possible to promote a product or company, not just by using traditional methods, such as TV and radio, but by utilising a huge spectrum of platforms. The introduction of new technologies has opened up a completely new era in marketing.

Every once in a while, a new marketing trend will emerge and take the world by storm. Moreover, that's exactly what seems to have happened over the last couple of years: social media has well and truly taken over. It's not uncommon for people to spend more time on their phones than sleeping, which is why it's no surprise that many consumers say they consult Facebook before making buying decisions.

Having these options available, opens up a completely new set of avenues to promote your product or service quicker and reach potential clients further.  

That's great, right?

Right communication, right client

Technology has produced a myriad of communication platforms, and it's tempting to just throw your business onto them all — but that can be a mistake. For example, if your product or service is aimed at an older clientele, you probably shouldn't promote yourself on TikTok, which is most popular among 18-28 year olds.

Let’s face it, we live in a world of instant gratification: an internet search for 'taco recipes' yields over 3billion results; Netflix has over 100 TV shows, and counting. This kind of availability and instant access to information and media is a double-edged sword: on one hand, it's easy to find the answer to life's most burning questions; on the other, none of us will ever have time to try all those recipes or watch all those TV shows.

A key learning for me was to ensure growth, your business must choose the correct form of communication for each audience. If you're trying to sell meat and potatoes to a vegan, all you're going to get is a scowl and an angry rant (and maybe even a lecture on how you should be eating quinoa)!

You may be able to create a catchy video for a platform, but if users aren't interested in the product or service you have to offer, then you have wasted your time and money.

Power of the hashtag

When the first hashtag appeared on Twitter in 2007, it was treated just like any other piece of niche online jargon — another thing only geeks could get excited about. Now, over 15 years later and across multiple social networks, their impact couldn't be clearer: Hashtags have become the de facto way for people to group, connect, and curate content online.

Using the right kind of hashtag on any Social Media post, can determine whether the information you want to share with your potential clients, will actually reach them.

I've been using hashtags for a while now, but I can't say that I've mastered them. They're kind of like spices: experiment with small amounts and be prepared for your social content to taste different every time. The only way you'll figure out how to use these little symbols is to experiment with them yourself.

Using hashtags is a delicate art —it's important to use them sparingly and wisely!

News from the trenches

Despite only working with 10K60 for a short time, I have already learned a huge amount.

In this new blog series, I’ll be taking you on a journey from the trenches to the front lines of content marketing and packaging design. As I learn the ropes, I’ll look to share tips and tricks to make your content marketing and packaging development endeavours more productive and your life a little easier.

It won't be easy and it’s going to take time, determination and lots of coffee.

Content marketing and packaging is a roller coaster, but the ride is totally worth it. I'm on that coaster for you, and I'll be sharing the best in news, tips and trends across both fields.

If you're interested in pairing great packaging design with killer copy, you'll love this series — so buckle up, we’re in for a wild ride!


KazD- 'ContentMarketer in Training'